Edit Resources Tool

The Edit Resources tool in the Work Task grid displays a a single page with the editable grids for all Resources that the user may modify. This feature streamlines the process of creating and editing multiple Resources of different types.

Lock and key icon Use of the Edit Resources tool requires the Lucity Apps > Lucity Web > Allow Inline Editing permission, as well as the General - Add, General - Edit and General - Delete permissions for the Lucity Work Orders module.


  • The tool displays grids for the Resources that are attached to the open Work Order view.

  • The Edit Resources tool is turned off by default and must be enabled in the grid.

Grid Functions

The Edit Resources view includes a grid for each type of Resource that can be attached to a Work Task. The grid that appears is identical to the grid that is available for each Resource in Lucity Web.

Add Resource

Creates a new record in the associated Resource grid.

Requires the General - Add permission for the module.


Reverses the previous edit.


Recreates the last undone edit.


Deletes the selected Resource record.

Lock and key icon Requires the General - Delete permission for the module.


Provides access to the following tools:

  • Reset Grid Preferences - Returns column widths to their default value.
  • letter I in a circle information icon - Displays information about the grid.


Preserves all edits and closes the Edit Resources dialog.


Abandons all edits and closes the Edit Resources dialog.